Admission will be made on interview to be conducted by s Selection Committeee constituted for this purpose. The decision of the Selection Coommittee will be final.
A Degree in Engineering / Technology of a Recognised University approverd by AICTE.
A Degree in Science of recogised University approved by U.G.C. ( Physics , Chemistry & Mathematics ).
A Diploma in any Branch of Engineering / Technology recognised by any State Council of Technical Education.
Duration :
1 year full time course .- Admit Card of 10th Standard.
- Marksheet of 10th Standard.
- Marksheet of 12th Standard.
- B.Sc. / Diploma / BE / B.Tech. / M.Tech./ Marksheet .
- 4 Copies colour Passport Size Photo.
- Original documents to be produced at the time of Admission.
- Part-I & II each is 20 weeks duration out of six months.
- Part-I & II consists of 30 contact period including tutorials and practical. Each period will be of one hour duration.
- Hours of examination for theoritical paper at 3 hrs.
- Classes will have to hold at least 3 days in a week.
- The objective question will be of MCQ types.